Bridging the gender gap
in tech leadership

Tech Leading Ladies is a community group of women identifying and non-binary members who work in software development and technology roles.




Meet women leaders in tech across Australia and New Zealand.

Founded in 2017 as a meetup and coaching group, this community is designed to break down the barriers to promotion for women in Tech.

Since then it has grown into a community drawing members from all over Australian and New Zealand.

Slack Community

Our Slack group provides the networking, coaching and mentoring women often miss out on in their organisations. It gives visibility of role-models, successful female leaders in tech, paving the way for other women and showing them what they too can accomplish.

Mentoring Program

We provide coaching for those difficult questions that we often face and don’t have anywhere to turn. We're excited to announce our formal mentoring program is coming soon.

Monthly Events

Our Meetups bring content, resources and skills needed to succeed as a technical leader. Most of our speakers come from the TLL community.

Job Postings

We are a trusted network to help members find their next opportunity. Companies and managers are vouched for, salaries are transparently posted.

What They’re Saying

TLL is an essential community to belong to for any aspiring tech individual. Incredibly inclusive, supportive and practical help to get your career started or boosted. I so wish something like this was around when I started my career in tech. I just love connecting new people with TLL and seeing them engage with the community.

Alexandra StokesFounder ReBoot Co.

The support of this community contributed to me changing the way that I think about role changes and my career. These amazing people also helped me to value myself as a leader. I value the excellent advice provided to anyone who requests it, and I am confident this is a safe space for me to both ask for and to offer help.

RachelProgram Manager, Vic

When I discovered Tech Leading Ladies I found a community of strong technical women, who were forging their leadership path alongside me. I quickly gained the skills and confidence to accelerate my own career growth, and the impact that I was having in my organisations.

Susan BranderTechnical Lead Mondo

I want to thank all the incredible women in this community who have given me the skills, confidence and support to take on new challenges and build a career I love.

Michelle GleesonCo-founder Tech Diversity Lab

It's often said that you cannot be what you cannot see. TLL is a wonderful place for non-binary folk and women to be part of a community who looks like them. Super supportive, mindfully inclusive and generous in spirit, the leadership team have built a space for current and aspiring leaders to grow, connect and share.

Nicola NyeChief of Staff, Fastmail

Recent posts

Career Growth

“Not Technical Enough”

Women often receive the feedback they're not technical enough during interviews, performance evaluations and promotions.  Let’s dig in to why we receive this feedback, whether…
Meetup Summary

Meetup Summary – Building Robust AI Products

Welcome back! 👋 We’re excited to be kicking off Tech Leading Ladies in 2024 with some amazing speakers and your favourite programs lined up for…
Meetup Summary

Meetup Summary – Startin’ Something

(Cue music: 🎶 I said you wanna be startin’ something, you got to be startin’ something 🎶) The Tech Leading Ladies October meetup featured Lucy…

Looking for a community to support you on your tech lead journey?